Aspire Guardians - Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions set out the rights and obligations of you (“the Parent”) and Aspire Guardians Ltd (“Aspire”) in connection with your use of the Guardianship Services. All the terms and conditions of this agreement are legally binding. By subscribing to Aspire’s guardianship services, you accept to be bound by these terms and conditions for the upcoming academic year, part thereof and thereafter for the duration of the requirements of guardianship until notified in line with termination and are deemed accepted at the time of payment.
Please take the time to read the terms & conditions; it is an important document and requires understanding. If you have any questions about anything contained in this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can send us an email: info@aspireguardians.com
Or call us on: +44 7542 181 244
​1. Definitions
‘Aspire’ means Aspire Guardians Ltd
‘the Parents’ means the parents or guardians of the Student
‘the Student means the student to whom this agreement relates
‘the School’ means the school or university at which the Student is placed for the time being
‘the Host Family’ means any host family with whom the Student is provided with host family accommodation during the agreement
‘the Package’ means the guardianship package selected for the duration of the Agreement
‘the Agreement’ means the educational guardianship services offered to the family by Aspire
‘Acknowledgement’ means the terms and conditions are deemed accepted at the time of payment.
2. Aspire’s Obligations
To undertake, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, parental responsibility for the Student whilst they are studying at a UK boarding school or university during term time and any additional periods during which the Student is being provided with host family accommodation as mentioned below and in particular, where appropriate, to exercise its discretion on behalf of the Parents where consents are required from the School for activities to be undertaken by the Student.
To oversee, administer and liaise on behalf of the Parents with the School throughout the duration of the agreement.
For boarding school students to ensure that a suitable host family is provided where required during exeats, half terms, school holidays or for any other reason a student must leave campus, subject to the payment by the Parents as set out in the fees list in appendix 1. This amount may vary from time to time to allow for extra meals and day stays which are usually charged at £50 if a student does not stay overnight. Students will be roomed in either single or twin rooms and may share with another student of a similar age and of the same gender.
To liaise with the Parents, the School and the Host Family and generally, to provide for the welfare of the Student during the agreement.
To arrange transport for the Student between the point of arrival or departure in the UK and the School subject to reimbursement of expenses in accordance with the fees list.
Aspire will take all reasonable steps to: ascertain from the Student where and when they intend to travel independently; and take all reasonable steps to provide information as to where the Student intends to travel independently to the Parent(s) within a reasonable time prior to the child’s stated intended departure date for the independent travel.
3. Parents’ Obligations and Confirmations
The Parents confirm that Aspire Guardians are the persons legally and properly entitled to act as guardians to the Student.
The Parents delegate their parental powers and duties to Aspire during the course of the agreement provided that Aspire shall be released from all such duties during any periods when the Student is under the direct control of the Parents or is absent from the School/university or the Host Family for purposes not sanctioned by Aspire or by the School, in particular for purposes arranged directly by the parents.
To provide any additional authority which may be required by the School or university to enable it to supply to Aspire all information it may require concerning the Student’s wellbeing, performance and conduct throughout the duration of the agreement.
The Parents authorise Aspire to delegate such parental powers and duties to the School and the Host Family in such a manner and to such an extent as it thinks fit.
The Parents confirm their understanding of the medical release authorisation on our application form and confirm and undertake with Aspire that the Student has no allergies or special medical conditions which would affect the Students’ medical treatment other than any disclosed separately in writing by the Parents. Aspire may at its discretion attempt to obtain consents from the Parents for serious or emergency medical treatment but this may not be possible, whether because of language difficulties, shortage of time or otherwise, and Aspire will therefore be under no obligation to obtain any such consents from the Parents.
To be responsible for all fees and expenses properly payable in respect of the package in accordance with the provisions set out in the fees list and to pay cancellation fees in respect of cancellation of host family accommodation in accordance with the cancellation schedule as set out in section 5.2 - 5.4 of these terms and conditions.
The Parents shall not act in such a way as to prevent Aspire from carrying out its obligations under this agreement in a proper and reasonable manner.
Neither the Parents nor the Student will be responsible to the Host Family or the School for any accidental damage and Aspire will require the Host Family and the School to effect their own insurance against such damage. Neither the Host Family nor the School will however be responsible for the loss of, or accidental damage to the Student’s belongings and it is therefore the Parents’ responsibility to take out their own insurance if required.
To ensure that the Student complies with all rules, regulations, Terms and Conditions of the School or university and all other reasonable requirements of the School and if required by the school, to provide written acceptance of its rules, regulations, Terms and Conditions.
To ensure that the Student complies with all rules, regulations of Aspire Guardians as set out in the Student and Parent Handbooks and Student Code of Conduct and all other reasonable requirements of regulations and to agree to their child signing this charter and for them to counter sign this Student Charter if required.
To indemnify Aspire against all costs, claims and other losses which may arise by reason of its reasonable exercise of any discretion or to or other authority given to it by virtue of this Agreement
Consent for Information Storage and Sharing: Aspire is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. In line with this commitment and in accordance with our Data Protection Policy, we inform you that:
Storage of Information: All personal and sensitive information provided to Aspire will be stored securely in our operating system. We employ stringent security measures to ensure data protection and confidentiality.
Sharing of Information: To facilitate the effective delivery of our guardianship services, it may be necessary to share specific information with trusted third parties such as host families, transportation providers, and educational institutions. This sharing is done strictly on a need-to-know basis and is limited to information pertinent to the care, welfare, and educational support of the student.
Parental Consent: By agreeing to these terms and conditions and signing our application form, you, as the parent/legal guardian, grant Aspire explicit permission to store and share this information as outlined above. Your consent is crucial for us to provide comprehensive guardianship services to your child.
Reference to Data Protection Policy: For detailed information on how we handle, protect, and use your personal data, please refer to our Data Protection Policy, which is available upon request and is also accessible on our website here.
Right to Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, please be aware that this may affect our ability to provide certain services.
By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms related to data protection and information sharing as outlined above and in our Data Protection Policy.
4. Termination of Contract
Either Aspire or the Parents may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other party at least one clear term’s notice in writing to expire at the end of a term. This means, therefore, that any such notice, whether given during term time or during school holidays, must expire at the end of the following term. If one terms notice is not given, the Parents will be liable for one terms Guardianship fees as set out in the fees list.
In the event of the Student being expelled by the School or university in accordance with its rules and regulations or if they are withdrawn or withdraw themselves from the school or university for any reason, Aspire shall, if necessary, immediately be released from all its obligations to the Parent or the Student under the terms of this Agreement and the Parent shall not be entitled to any refund of fees. Any fresh arrangement for the Student following expulsion must be the subject of separate negotiation between the Parents and Aspire.
In the event of the Student not being expelled by the School but the Student, the Parent or their Educational Agent, being guilty of persistent unreasonable behaviour or behaviour of a seriously unreasonable nature, under circumstances where Aspire acting reasonably shall no longer be prepared to accept responsibility for the Student, then Aspire may terminate this agreement forthwith by notice in writing to the parents in which event Aspire shall immediately be released from all its obligations from the parents or the Student under the terms of this agreement and the Parents shall not be entitled to any refund of fees.
At the time of confirmation of termination Aspire will return the balance of the student’s expenses account. Parents must provide the bank details within 10 working days of the confirmation to avoid an administrative charge of £5 per day. The charge will commence 10 working days from the date as advised by Aspire until the date the bank details have been provided. Should the parents not provide bank details prior to the expenses balance reaching £0 no refund will be issued.
5. Cancellation of Host Family
In the event that a parent needs to cancel or alter previously booked host family accommodation, notice is required in writing within the timelines outlined below at 5.2 to 5.4. Failure to comply with this will render the parents liable to pay cancellation fees.
If a student cancels within 21 and seven days of the start date and you have received the confirmation you will pay 50% of the fees for the duration of the confirmed stay.
If a student cancels within seven days of the start date 100% of the fees are payable for the duration of the confirmed stay.
If a student cancels after arrival you will pay 100% of the fees for the duration of the stay as well as any incurred charges for moving the student to an alternative host or any other arrangement.
6. Change of School or University
Aspire will act in accordance with any reasonable requirement of the Parents in connection with any change of school for the Student and in particular Aspire will not transfer the Student to another school without the written consent of the parents.
7. English Law
This Agreement and any agreement with the School or the Host Family and any other matters relating to the package shall be subject to English Law and the Parents undertake to submit to the jurisdiction of English Courts in respect of any matters arising out of any of them. The parents acknowledge that English Law may be different from the law of their own country, e.g. in respect of race relations or sex discrimination.
8. Exclusion of Aspire’s Liability
As the School will be selected only with the consent of the Parent, Aspire cannot accept any responsibility to the Parents or the Student for any acts or omissions of the School relating to the Student.
Whilst Aspire will take proper care in selecting the Host Family, Aspire cannot accept responsibility for the actions of the Host Family in relation to the student.
Whilst Aspire will support the Student and the Parents in obtaining any visas and any other entry or re-entry documents which may be required for the Student, or in complying with any statutory entry or re-entry requirements, Aspire cannot accept any responsibility for such matters and any legal responsibility shall rest with the Student and the Parents.
Aspire cannot accept any responsibility generally for acts carried out in exercising its powers and duties under this Agreement or any omissions relating thereto, except insofar as such acts or omissions are in contravention of this Agreement.
For the avoidance of doubt, Aspire cannot accept any responsibility to the School or the Host Family for any acts or omissions of the Student and it is recommended therefore that each student carry his own third party insurance.
If there is an outbreak of any infectious or contagious disease in your country, in the UK or at your child’s school and or if your child contracts a contagious disease and we are asked to accommodate them, whilst we will make every effort to find accommodation for your child, we cannot guarantee it and we would recommend following UKHSA advice and for them to be isolated at school.
In the case of a pandemic, we are not readily able to remove students who test positive whilst at school and expect them to isolate themselves at school. In exceptional circumstances where a school cannot isolate a student safely, we will try and assist with a host family but this will be subject to availability and an additional service charge and a higher nightly rate for the host family stay.
If a student tests positive whilst at an Aspire host family we will isolate them at the host family or at an alternative host family should their host family not be able to.
If the school requires your child to leave for any reason, including the school closing due to a pandemic or contagious outbreak, we will accept your child into our care for as long as is needed and pending the arrangements of your child’s travel home, provided they are not contagious themselves.
The cost of the return airfare and any costs incurred accommodating your child in such circumstances will be reimbursed by you.
In the event of a temporary school closure, guardianship services will continue as normal until it reopens, with staff, host families and drivers being on standby ready for the reopening of the school. No reimbursement of fees is due.​
9. Promotional Material
From time to time we take photographs for us to use for identification purposes, for sending back to you in our reports and from time to time would like to use these in promotional material such as this marketing brochures, handbooks, social media or our website. Should you wish for your child to not feature in any of the above, please inform Aspire in writing as soon as possible.
10. Entire Agreement Clause
This agreement and any schedules and documents referred to constitute the entire agreement and understanding between us Aspire and you the Parents in relation to the subject matter thereof. Without prejudice to any variation, this Agreement shall supersede any prior promises, agreements, representations, undertakings or implications whether made orally or in writing between you and us relating to the subject matter of this Agreement but this will not affect any obligations contained in any such prior agreement which are expressed to continue after termination.
11. General
In the event of any provisions of this Agreement being held to be void or unenforceable such provision shall be deemed to be severable so that the remaining parts of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the exclusion of the void or unenforceable provision.​