Appendix 1
Appendix 1 is to be read in line with the Terms and Conditions for the parents. By subscribing to Aspire’s guardianship services, you accept to be bound by these terms and conditions inclusive of the feed as outlined below for the upcoming academic year, part thereof and thereafter for the duration of the requirements of guardianship until notified in line with termination and are deemed accepted at the time of payment.
Please take the time to read Appendix 1; it is an important document and requires understanding. If you have any questions about anything contained in this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can send us an email: info@aspireguardians.com
Or call us on: +44 7542 181 244
​1. Fees
The provision of guardian services shall not commence nor will your child’s school be notified until payment for fees and the terms and conditions are agreed to and are received by Aspire Guardians.
Terms and conditions are deemed accepted at the time of payment.
Aspire Guardians will issue an invoice for the registration fee of £150, the package fee and the expenses account at expression of interest.
All guardianship fees should be paid before the start of the school term. If Aspire has not received payment of the term fee within the first three weeks of the start of the school term, Aspire will have the right to inform the student’s school that Aspire is no longer their legal guardian.
Aspire Guardians reserves the right to discontinue responsibilities should accounts not be completely and promptly settled on time.
Parents agree to pay fees in GBP or HKD into the nominated Hong Kong bank account, in the name of Aspire Guardians Limited. Exchange rates are set out weekly by Aspire and will be stated in the invoice where the exchange rate is valid for seven days. Payment can be made into a UK bank account on request.
Thereafter the fees as outlined on the invoice must be received by Aspire before the term begins.
Should the balance in credit with Aspire fall below £300 which is considered insufficient to carry out their responsibilities, further services will be suspended until adequate funds have been received.
Additional Services, such as student accompaniment or school support, will require at least three business days advance notice and will be charged according to the Additional Services Price List published by Aspire.
Aspire reviews the Fees List on a termly basis and reserves the right to adjust prices according to environmental factors outside of Aspire’s control which will affect business operations at the time.
These factors include but are not limited to changes to fuel prices and government mandated minimum wages. Aspire will not adjust the prices by more than 10% at each review. If the price has been adjusted for an additional service, you will be charged according to the price at the time of confirmation of the additional service.
An End of Term supplementary charge will be charged to the student expense account should a student require any hosting at the end of any term, inclusive of over the Summer Holidays.
2. Emergency Charges
Aspire staff based in Hong Kong will be available to answer calls from 10:00 until 19:00 (local time) from Monday to Friday. Calls outside of these hours may incur a service fee of £25 per call if the call is deemed a non emergency. An emergency is deemed a visit to accident and emergency, suspension, expulsion or a pandemic related incident. Genuine emergency calls will not be charged. Should an emergency situation require continuous support outside of the local working hours, a fee of £25 will be charged per hour.
Should any student require support between the hours of 6pm to 8am UK time a charge of £50 per hour will incur.
3. Hosting Charges
Students are charged £60 per day and £99 per day for emergency hosting. Emergency hosting is a host family requirement within 48 hours.
A host can organise activities up to a value of £25 at the request of the student. Parent approval will be sought for any activity greater than £25, not including transportation costs.
Costs of the student and one adult will be charged up to £50 for any takeaway or meal out at a restaurant at the request of the student.​